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Wisconsin ATV Trails

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Riverview ATV Park
Trail Photo Riverview ATV Park Rating
Status: Closed For Season
Type: Trail  (County Land)
Location: Kewaunee, WI
Difficulty: Difficulty

This ATV park offers some hill climbs and about 20 miles of smooth and twisty trails that wind through grassy meadows and a mixed hardwood forest.   More...

Solberg Trail
Trail Photo Solberg Trail Rating
Status: Open
Type: Trail  (National Forest, County Land)
Location: Phillips, WI
Difficulty: Difficulty

This multiple use trail is 9.5 miles long and begins near Solberg Lake but heads north and eventually ties into the Flambeau Trail System.   More...

Sugar Maple MX
Trail Photo Sugar Maple MX Rating
Status: Open
Type: Combo  (Privately Owned / Commercial)
Location: Hill Point, WI
Difficulty: Difficulty

This natural terrain track is about 1.5 miles long and consists of loamy soil, sand and clay.   More...

The Tamaracks OHM Trail
Trail Photo The Tamaracks OHM Trail Rating
Status: Closed For Season
Type: Trail  (County Land)
Location: Conover, WI
Difficulty: Difficulty

This trail system features 22 miles of mixed skill OHM trails that are marked and rated.   More...

Tigerton OHV Park and Campground
Trail Photo Tigerton OHV Park and Campground Rating
Status: Open
Type: Combo  (Privately Owned / Commercial)
Location: Tigerton, WI
Difficulty: Difficulty

This offroad park has about 30 miles of wooded ATV trails and a motocross track.   More...

Tri-County Trails
Trail Photo Tri-County Trails Rating
Status: Closed For Season
Type: Trail  (County Land)
Location: Monroe, WI
Difficulty: Difficulty

Open year-round, this multiple use trail system offers about 60 miles of trails that wind through three counties.   More...

Tuscobia State Trail
Trail Photo Tuscobia State Trail Rating
Status: Closed For Season
Type: Trail  (National Forest, State Forest)
Location: Park Falls, WI
Difficulty: Difficulty

Once an abandoned railroad grade, this well maintained gravel trail is now open to both ATV and UTV use.   More...

Valley MX
Trail Photo Valley MX Rating
Status: Open
Type: Track  (Privately Owned / Commercial)
Location: Fond Du Lac, WI
Difficulty: Difficulty

This motocross track is open during select days.   More...

Washburn County
Trail Photo Washburn County Rating
Status: Open
Type: Trail  (County Land)
Location: Shell Lake, WI
Difficulty: Difficulty

This trail system offers over 100+ miles of mostly hard packed gravel roads that heads north and east, eventually connecting into the Wild Rivers Trail.   More...

Wheeler Motocross Park
Trail Photo Wheeler Motocross Park Rating
Status: Open
Type: Track  (Privately Owned / Commercial)
Location: Wheeler, WI
Difficulty: Difficulty

This 160 acre motocross facility has two groomed and maintained motocross tracks and one separate pee-wee track.   More...

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