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Wisconsin ATV Trails

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Wild Rivers Trail
Trail Photo Wild Rivers Trail Rating
Status: Open
Type: Trail  (County Land)
Location: Minong, WI
Difficulty: Difficulty

Over 100 miles long, this old abandoned C&NW (Chicago and North Western) railroad grade has been converted into a multiple use trail that runs north and south through Douglas, Washburn and Barron counties.   More...

Wittenberg Off Road Raceway
Trail Photo Wittenberg Off Road Raceway Rating
Status: Open
Type: Track  (Privately Owned / Commercial)
Location: Wittenberg, WI
Difficulty: Difficulty

Open only during select dates, this track is open to quads and motorcycles.   More...

Wood County ATV Park
Trail Photo Wood County ATV Park Rating
Status: Open
Type: Trail  (County Land)
Location: Port Edwards, WI
Difficulty: Difficulty

Open daily from dusk to dawn, this area offers 10 miles of ATV trails that wind through a pine, aspen and oak tree forest.   More...

Fond Du Lac OHV Park
Trail Photo Fond Du Lac OHV Park Rating
Status: Destroyed
Type: Track  (City Land)
Location: Fond Du Lac, WI
Difficulty: Difficulty

This motocross park at one time featured a one mile long natural terrain track and a smaller beginner track that borders the scenic Fond du Lac River but is now closed and no longer open for riding.   More...

Hidden Valley MX Track
Trail Photo Hidden Valley MX Track Rating
Status: Destroyed
Type: Other  (Privately Owned / Commercial)
Location: Ettrick, WI
Difficulty: Difficulty

This paintball facility once featured a motocross but is no longer open for riding.   More...

Iron River Motocross Association
Trail Photo Iron River Motocross Association Rating
Status: Destroyed
Type: Track  (County Land)
Location: Iron River, WI
Difficulty: Difficulty

This area at one time offered a motocross and peewee track but is permanently closed with no plans to reopen as a public track.   More...

LCO Casino MX Track
Trail Photo LCO Casino MX Track Rating
Status: Closed
Type: Track  (Privately Owned / Commercial)
Location: Hayward, WI
Difficulty: Difficulty

Located right next to the Lac Courte Oreilles Casino Lodge, this track was open daily to both quads and motorcycles but is closed and no longer open for riding..   More...

Racine IndoorMotocross
Trail Photo Racine IndoorMotocross Rating
Status: Closed
Type: Track  (Privately Owned / Commercial)
Location: Racine, WI
Difficulty: Difficulty

This indoor motocross is closed and no longer open for riding..   More...

Sugar Camp Enterprises
Trail Photo Sugar Camp Enterprises Rating
Status: Closed
Type: Combo  (Privately Owned / Commercial)
Location: Rhinelander, WI
Difficulty: Difficulty

This facility at one time offered a one-mile natural terrain track along with a 10-mile AMA National Harescramble track but is closed and no longer open for practice..   More...

Weyerhaeuser MX Track
Trail Photo Weyerhaeuser MX Track Rating
Status: Closed
Type: Track  (Privately Owned / Commercial)
Location: Weyerhaeuser, WI
Difficulty: Difficulty

This track once hosted race events during select race dates but is now closed.   More...

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