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Marienville & Timberline OHV Trails

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Other Names

Allegheny National Forest, Timberline ATV Trail, Marienville ATV Trail, Pigs Ear, Four Corners, Slater Run, Gilfoyle Run, Owls Nest, Twin Lick, Red Lick, Pine Run, Threemile Run, Three Mile Run, Wagner Run, Spring Creek, Warner Run, Watson Run, Crow Run, Irwin Run, Buehler Corner, Millstone Creek, Maple Run, Penoke Trail

Last Known StatusClosed For Season

This large trail system offers many miles of trails with varying degrees of difficulty. Advanced riders will enjoy the Penoke Bike Trail, which offers a challenging 23 mile one-way only trail loop with loose chunk rock, tree roots and rugged elevation climbs. The Marienville Trail is a 14 mile ATV trail that consists of old forest roads and railroad grades while the Timberline section offers an additional 39 miles of novice friendly flat gravel and dirt roads.

Timberline and Marienville Main trailheads offer paved parking, information kiosks with maps and vault toilets. Rocket John trailhead also has the same amenities as Timberline and Marienville Main except for paved parking. The others trailheads provide parking and information boards with maps. Buehler and Penoke offer limited roadside dispersed camping. For those looking for RV hookups with direct trail access check out The Forest Lodge and Campground.

A trail permit is is required to ride at this location which can be purchased at several local vendors or by contacting the Marienville Ranger District Office. ATVs must provide proof of liability insurance and registration to obtain the permit.

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Permit RequiredYesAllegheny National Forest ATV/Motorcycle Permit
Dates OpenFriday before Memorial Day through the last Sunday of September
Other ATV Stickers AcceptedYes(AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, IA, ID, IN, LA, MA, ME, MI, MN, MO, MT, ND, NH, NJ, NM, NY, OH, OK, RI, UT, VT, WA, WI)
Spark ArrestorYesA spark arresting exhaust silencer or end cap is required for all vehicles.
Noise LimitYes (99 dB)
Whip FlagsNot Required
Maximum Vehicle WidthYes (64 inches)has entrance gate or posts
Penoke Trail has a maximum width of 50".
Allow Dirt Bikes, Trail Bikes and Motorcycles Motorcycles & Dirt BikesPermitted
Allow All Terrain Vehicles / Quads / Four Wheelers ATVsPermitted
Allow Utility Terrain Vehicles, Side by Sides (SXS), RZR UTV & SXSSome Areas(maximum width 64 inches)
Permitted on Timberline and Marienville ATV Trails.
Allow 4x4 Jeeps, SUVs and 4 x 4 Trucks with License Plates SUVs & Jeeps (registered)Prohibited
Dune Buggy & Sand Rail
4x4 (unregistered)
2 Stroke EnginesNo Restriction
MX Helmet RequiredYeshelmets required by state law
Camping / Overnight RV Parking CampingSome Areas(camp in developed sites only)
Campfire Restrictions Campfires
Night RidingYesvehicles must have headlights
Trail BlazingProhibitedkeep vehicle on trail
Rule Enforcement
CommentPassengers permitted if in approved after-market seat and wearing a helmet. If child is required to ride in safety seat or booster in vehicle, same is required for UTV. A child seat may not be used, machine must come with manufacturer installed seat belts.


Approx Size76,800 acres (120 sq mi)
Miles Of Trail76
Climate TypeForest
Elevation1300 to 1800 ft.
Trail MaintenanceMarked, Not Rated, Lightly Maintainedtrails are marked with yellow, diamond shaped markers on trees
Loose DirtThis trail has little loose dirt.Little
Hard PackThe trail has mostly hard pack terrain.Mostly
SandThis trail has no sandy areas.None
MudThe trail has some mud after it rains.Some
DustThe trail has little dust on typical days.Little
RocksThis trail has some rocks.Some
TreesThe trail has almost all trees.All
Steep HillsThis trail has some steep hills.Some
Water CrossingsThe trail has few water crossings.Few
Small JumpsThis trail has no small jumps.None
Large JumpsThis trail has no large jumps.None
BermsThe trail has few berms.Few
Sand/Gravel PitsThis national forest has few sand or gravel pits.Fewplay pit located off Timberline D loop
Single TrackThis national forest has many single track trails.Many
RoadsThis national forest has mostly roads.Mostly
ShadeThis national forest has many shaded areas.Many
HazardsThis trail has few hazards.Few(hazards assumed marked but use caution)
Easy Terrain NoviceThis trail has some beginner terrain.Some
Moderate Terrain AmateurThis trail has mostly intermediate level terrain.Mostly
Difficult Terrain ExpertThis trail has little expert terrain.LittlePenoke Trail is rated as most difficult - skilled riders only.
CommentTimberline is mile-marked with loop letter and mile marker on 2 yellow diamonds tacked to trees. Small ATVs and UTVs can ride Penoke Bike Trail but it is not recommended unless attempted skilled riders.


AreaMotorized Trails, Gravel Pit
LandNational Forest


Gasoline Gasoline5-20 Miles (NE)Uni-Mart (814) 837-1073
Diesel Diesel5-20 Miles (NE)Kwik Fill (814) 837-9741
Potable Water Water5-20 Miles (N)Whispering Winds Campground (814) 968-4377
RV Hookups RV HookupOn SiteThe Forest Lodge And Campground (814) 927-8790
RV Dump Station RV DisposalOn SiteThe Forest Lodge And Campground (814) 927-8790
Primitive Camping CampgroundOn SiteCamping permitted at Timberline, Pine Camp, and Rocket John - limited roadside dispersed camping near Buehler and Penoke.
Convenience Store Conv Store5-20 Miles (NE)Tops Market (814) 837-7812


RidingYes ($10.00 per OHV)
$35/annual permit/machine
CommentAllegheny National Forest ATV/Motorcycle permit required - $10/daily pass per machine or $35/annual pass per machine.


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Nearest CityMarienville, PA
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Trail MapGo To Trail Map
From: Marienville, PA
For Pigs Ear Trailhead:
1) Take PA-66 North about 13 miles
2) Turn right (south) onto Pigs Ear Road, continue about 2 miles toward the trailhead.

For Marienville Trailhead (from Marienville, PA):
1) Continue north on PA-66 10.7 miles
2) Trailhead entrance is on the right.

For Rocket John Trailhead (from Marienville, PA):
1) Take PA-66 North about 9 miles
2) Turn right onto Pipeline Road, continue 1.3 miles.

For Penoke Trailhead (from Marienville, PA):
1) Take PA-66 North about 3.2 miles
2) Turn right onto FS Road 521, continue about 1 mile toward trailhead.

For Timberline Trailhead (from Marienville, PA):
1) Take PA-66 North about 15 miles
2) Continue straight onto PA-948, continue 1 mile
3) Turn right onto dirt road (look for Forest Service signage)
4) Continue .2 miles toward trailhead.

For Buehler Trailhead (from Ridgeway, PA)
1) Take Spring Creek Road west about 9 miles
2) Turn right (north) onto Arroro-Portland Road, continue .6 miles toward trailhead.


Contact InfoAllegheny National Forest - Marienville Ranger District
131 Smokey Lane
Marienville, PA 16239
(814) 927-6628
Contact InfoPennsylvania ATV Registration / Insurance Info
P.O. Box 8553
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8553
(866) 545-2476
(717) 783-9227
Contact InfoThe Forest Lodge And Campground
44078 Rt.66
Marienville, PA 16239
(814) 927-8790
CommentCampground with direct trail access, also sells the ANF ATV/Motorcycle Permit.


Marienville and Timberline Trail Photo

Marienville & Timberline OHV Trails

Photo Submitted 8/25/2013 (Thanks!)

Marienville and Timberline Trail Photo

Marienville & Timberline OHV Trails

Photo Submitted 3/4/2018 (Thanks!)

Marienville and Timberline Trail Photo

Marienville & Timberline OHV Trails

Photo Submitted 3/4/2018 (Thanks!)

Marienville and Timberline Trail Photo

OHV crossing some water at Marienville & Timberline OHV Trails

Photo Submitted 1/3/2012 (Thanks!)

Marienville and Timberline Trail Photo

OHV at Marienville & Timberline OHV Trails

Photo Submitted 8/25/2013 (Thanks!)

Marienville and Timberline Trail Photo

OHV getting wet at Marienville & Timberline OHV Trails

Photo Submitted 7/31/2011 (Thanks!)

Marienville and Timberline Trail Photo

Marienville & Timberline OHV Trails

Photo Submitted 12/18/2015 (Thanks!)

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