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Busco Beach ATV Park & Campground

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Other Names

Busco Beach

Last Known StatusOpen

This ATV park is situated near a lake that has a nice sandy beach along the outer perimeter. The park is open daily, year-round and features a wide variety of terrain for all skill levels and riding styles, which are among the many things to like about this park.

The property offers numerous deep-water crossings (snorkel recommended), mud, sand pits, hill climbs and some deep woods trails that offer a good mix of hard packed and muddy sections. There is even a motocross track plus a beginners track for newbies.

Primitive camping is permitted near the lake and full RV hookups are available. There is a snack shop, air station, hot showers and ATV rentals. Bagged ice and firewood is available for purchase at the main office.

Holiday events, cookouts and music concerts are among the frequent entertainment events offered here. Jeeps and 4x4s are not allowed on the trails, but jet skis and fishing are permitted on the lake.

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Permit RequiredNo
Dates OpenDaily 24/7
Spark ArrestorYesA spark arresting exhaust silencer or end cap is required for all vehicles.
required by state law
Noise LimitNo
Whip FlagsNot RequiredWhip Flags Recommended For Safety
Maximum Vehicle WidthNo Restriction
Allow Dirt Bikes, Trail Bikes and Motorcycles Motorcycles & Dirt BikesPermitted
Allow All Terrain Vehicles / Quads / Four Wheelers Four WheelersPermitted
Allow Utility Terrain Vehicles, Side by Sides (SXS), RZR UTV & SXSPermitted
Allow 4x4 Jeeps, SUVs and 4 x 4 Trucks with License Plates SUVs & Jeeps (registered)Prohibitedtrucks and jeeps prohibited
Dune Buggy & Sand Rail
4x4 (unregistered)
Prohibitedgo karts, golf carts, jetskis and argos permitted
2 Stroke EnginesNo Restriction
MX Helmet RequiredYeshelmets required for all riders
Camping / Overnight RV Parking CampingSome Areasprimitive camping and some full hookup sites with water view
Campfire Restrictions CampfiresSome Areaswell controlled campfires permitted
Night RidingYeslights required by state law
Trail BlazingSome Areas
AlcoholSome Areas
Rule EnforcementSome
Comment* Riding is prohibited in the main lakes or rivers.  There is a 5 MPH speed limit on main road and in camping areas. Pets ok.


Approx Size2,000 acres (3 sq mi)
Miles Of Trail5
Climate TypeBeach/forest
Elevation60 to 80 ft.
Trail MaintenanceMarked, Not Rated, Lightly Maintained
Loose DirtThis OHV area has some loose dirt.Some
Hard PackThe OHV area has some hard pack terrain.Some
SandThis OHV area has some sandy areas.Some
MudThe OHV area has some mud after it rains.Some
DustThe OHV area has little dust on typical days.Little
RocksThis OHV area has little rocks.Little
TreesThe OHV area has many trees.Many
Steep HillsThis OHV area has some steep hills.Some
Water CrossingsThe OHV area has some water crossings.Some
Small JumpsThis OHV area has many small jumps.Many
Large JumpsThis OHV area has few large jumps.Few
BermsThe OHV area has some berms.Some
Sand/Gravel PitsThis private land has some sand or gravel pits.Some
Single TrackThis private land has some single track trails.Some
RoadsThis private land has some roads.Some
IntersectionsThis OHV area has some intersections.Some
Rider TrafficThe private land has some rider traffic on typical days.Some
ShadeThis private land has some shaded areas.Some
HazardsThis OHV area has few hazards.Few(hazards assumed marked but use caution)
Easy Terrain NoviceThis OHV area has some beginner terrain.Some
Moderate Terrain AmateurThis OHV area has mostly intermediate level terrain.Mostly
Difficult Terrain ExpertThis OHV area has some expert terrain.Some


AreaMotorized Trails, Off-Road Dunes
LandPrivately Owned / Commercial
MX TRACK  Motocross Track
Max Engine SizeNo Maximum
Min Engine SizeNo Minimum
CommentAdult MX Track
MX TRACK  Motocross Track
Max Engine SizeNo Maximum
Min Engine SizeNo Minimum
CommentYouth MX Track


Gasoline Gasoline1-5 Miles (E)E-Z Mart - (919) 736-2488
Diesel DieselGoldsboro, NC
Potable Water WaterOn Sitehot showers and spray wash available in bath house
RV Hookups RV HookupOn Sitereservations recommended
RV Dump Station RV DisposalGoldsboro, NC
Primitive Camping CampgroundOn Sitefull hookups and primitive
Convenience Store Conv StoreOn Site (E)concession stand and general store open year-round


EntryYes ($10.00 per person)
5 and under - Free
RidingYes ($10.00 per OHV)
Tent: $10.00
RV: $25.00
Addtl. Vehicle: $0.00
30amp electric and water only- $20/night; 30amp full hookup site - $25/night; 50amp site - $35/night; primitive camping is $10/person/night. Price good for two people per site, additional people staying add $5/per person/per night.
CommentReservations are recommended for full hookup sites. Primitive camping is available down on the river, and generators are ok when the full hookup sites are filled.


Our RatingRatingVery Good
Recommended StayFull Day
Comments(Scroll Down For Rider Reviews & Comments)


Nearest CityGoldsboro, NC
Address1243 Bryan Blvd., Goldsboro, NC 27530
Go Back To North Carolina List
Trail MapGo To Trail Map
From: Raleigh, NC
1) Take I-40 East to Exit 309
2) Merge on US-70 East, continue about 40 miles
3) Take Exit 355A/US-117 South, continue about 4 miles
4) Turn right onto Bryan Blvd., continue about 200 yards
5) Veer right on Old Grantham Road, continue about 1 block
6) Turn left (north) onto Bryan Blvd, continue about 2 miles toward park entrance.


Contact InfoBusco Beach ATV Park And Campground
1243 Bryan Blvd.
Goldsboro, NC 27530
(919) 222-9614
CommentPark Hotline
Contact InfoBusco Beach ATV Park And Campground - RV Reservations
(919) 222-0897
Contact InfoOff Road Excursions ATV Rentals
1243 Bryan Boulevard
Goldsboro, NC 27530
(910) 441-5554


Busco Beach OHV Area Photo

Busco Beach ATV Park & Campground OHV Area

Photo Submitted 1/15/2012 (Thanks!)

Busco Beach OHV Area Photo

ATV and rider going through deep mud and water on the trail.

Photo Submitted 4/5/2012 (Thanks!)

Busco Beach OHV Area Photo

Three people using a tow rope pull Kawasaki two-stroke dirt bike from deep mud pit.

There is no shortage of deep mud pits! Photo Submitted 4/5/2012 (Thanks!)

Busco Beach OHV Area Photo

Polaris Sportsman navigating a deep mud pit.

Photo Submitted 4/5/2012 (Thanks!)

Busco Beach OHV Area Photo

ATV with mud tires and rear cargo.

Photo Submitted 4/5/2012 (Thanks!)

Busco Beach OHV Area Photo

Rider with Fox Racing motocross gear and Alpinestar boots kneeling next to Yamaha YZ450F.

Munn Motorsports Racing Team came to play at Busco Beach! Photo Submitted 12/13/2011 (Thanks!)

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