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Stead MX

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Other Names

Red Rock Road Exit, Lemmon Valley Motocross Track

Last Known StatusClosed

This area at one time featured an amateur motocross track but it appears to be closed. Most of the nearby trails are a mix of sand washes and rocky, hard packed fire roads which are uninteresting, but it is possible to ride southeast, over the ridge and connect up with the trails in Hungry Valley.

The track was generally not groomed (except for races) so it was usually dry, dusty and very hard packed. Juniper trees were scattered throughout the staging area and around the track offering limited shade. This listing will remain up for historical purposes and to prevent a wasted trip.

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Permit RequiredYesNVOHV sticker required
Dates OpenClosed
Other ATV Stickers AcceptedYesNevada registration is not required if the vehicle is already registered in another state and will be located in Nevada for no more than 15 days.
Spark ArrestorYesA spark arresting exhaust silencer or end cap is required for all vehicles.
Noise LimitYes (96 dB)
Whip FlagsNot Required
Maximum Vehicle WidthNo Restriction
Allow Dirt Bikes, Trail Bikes and Motorcycles Motorcycles & Dirt BikesProhibited
Allow All Terrain Vehicles / Quads / Four Wheelers ATVsProhibited
Allow Utility Terrain Vehicles, Side by Sides (SXS), RZR UTV & SXSProhibited
Allow 4x4 Jeeps, SUVs and 4 x 4 Trucks with License Plates SUVs & Jeeps (registered)Prohibited
Dune Buggy & Sand Rail
4x4 (unregistered)
2 Stroke EnginesProhibited
MX Helmet RequiredYes
Camping / Overnight RV Parking CampingProhibited
Campfire Restrictions CampfiresProhibited
Night RidingUnknown
Trail BlazingProhibitedkeep vehicle on trail
Rule EnforcementSome


Approx Size198 acres
Miles Of Trail8
Climate TypeDesert
Elevation5250 to 6000 ft.
Trail MaintenanceUnknown
Loose DirtThis OHV area has some loose dirt.Some
Hard PackThe OHV area has mostly hard pack terrain.Mostly
SandThis OHV area has some sandy areas.Some
MudThe OHV area has little mud after it rains.Little
DustThe OHV area has mostly dust on typical days.Mostly
RocksThis OHV area has mostly rocks.Mostly
TreesThe OHV area has few trees.Few
Steep HillsThis OHV area has few steep hills.Few
Water CrossingsThe OHV area has no water crossings.None
Small JumpsThis OHV area has some small jumps.Some
Large JumpsThis OHV area has few large jumps.Few
BermsThe OHV area has some berms.Some
Sand/Gravel PitsThis BLM land has no sand or gravel pits.None
Single TrackThis BLM land has no single track trails.None
RoadsThis BLM land has few roads.Few
IntersectionsThis OHV area has many intersections.Many
Rider TrafficThe BLM land has many rider traffic on typical days.Many
ShadeThis BLM land has no shaded areas.None
Ranges/GunfireThis BLM land has no shooting ranges or gunfire.None
HazardsThis OHV area has no hazards.None
Easy Terrain NoviceThis OHV area has some beginner terrain.Some
Moderate Terrain AmateurThis OHV area has mostly intermediate level terrain.Mostly
Difficult Terrain ExpertThis OHV area has little expert terrain.Little


AreaMotorized Trails, MX Track
LandBLM, Private
CommentTrack is located on BLM land but surrounding trails are on Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority land.
MX TRACK  Motocross Track
Max Engine SizeNo Maximum
Min Engine SizeNo Minimum


Gasoline Gasoline5-20 Miles (S)Texaco (775) 972-4649
Diesel Diesel5-20 Miles (S)Texaco (775) 972-4649
Potable Water Water5-20 Miles (SW)Big Cove Campground (530) 836-2575
RV Hookups RV Hookup5-20 Miles (SW)Bordertown Casino RV Resort (800) 218-9339
RV Dump Station RV Disposal5-20 Miles (SW)Bordertown Casino RV Resort (800) 218-9339
Primitive Camping Campground30+ Miles (NW)Big Cove Campground (530) 836-2575
Convenience Store Conv Store1-5 Miles (S)Mi Pueblo Market (775) 677-1100


EntryCertain Times ($10.00 per person)
fee charged only on race weekends


Prostrack is secluded, has a go-kart track nearby, access to the track is free (except on race weekends) plenty of trails outside of the track to explore
Consdry, dusty and rocky, amateur races are held on Sunday, to access the track is $10 per person, not that much interesting terrain in the immediate area
Our RatingRatingFair
Recommended StayHalf Day
Comments(Scroll Down For Rider Reviews & Comments)


Nearest CityReno, NV
AddressLemmon Valley Drive, Reno, NV 89506
Go Back To Nevada List
Trail MapGo To Trail Map
From: Reno, NV
1) Take 395 N to Exit 74/Lemmon Drive
2) Turn right (north) onto Lemmon Drive, continue 7.7 miles
3) Turn right (east) onto dirt road (look for white sign with address 14874 Lemmon), continue .3 miles toward gate
4) Proceed past gate, continue .1 mile
5) Turn left (north) on dirt road, follow toward track.


Contact InfoBLM - Carson City District Office
5665 Morgan Mill Road
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 861-6500


Stead MX OHV Area Photo

Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

OHV getting air at Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

Scenic view of Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

Honda CRF Trail Bike at Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

Honda CRF Dirtbike at Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

OHV at Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

Honda CRF Off-Road Bike at Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

Honda CRF Motorcycle at Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

OHV at Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

Honda CRF Motorcycle jumping at Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

OHV getting air at Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

Honda CRF Dirtbike catching some air at Stead MX OHV Area


Stead MX OHV Area Photo

Motorcycle catching some air at Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

Scenery from Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

A trail at Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

Scenery from Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

Some terrain at Stead MX OHV Area


Stead MX OHV Area Photo

Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

OHV at Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

Honda CRF Motorcycle at Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

OHV at Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

OHV at Stead MX OHV Area


Stead MX OHV Area Photo

Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

Scenery at Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

OHV at Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

Honda CRF Dirt Bike at Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

OHV at Stead MX OHV Area


Stead MX OHV Area Photo

Honda CRF Dirtbike at Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

OHV at Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

OHV at Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

OHV at Stead MX OHV Area

Stead MX OHV Area Photo

Honda CRF Off-Road Bike jumping at Stead MX OHV Area

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