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South Cow Mountain

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Other Names

Ukiah, Talmage, Mill Creek Road, Clear Lake, Mend Lake Road, Lake Mendocino, Buckhorn Campground, Oakwood Springs, Red Mountain Camp, Westside Staging Area, Scotts Creek Staging Area, Morrison Creek, Miners Ridge, Eightmile Valley, Willow Creek, Panther Creek, Benmore Creek, Blue Oak Ranch

Last Known StatusTemporarily Closed  (Temporarily closed due to heavy precipitation and poor road and trail conditions. For more information, call (707) 468-4000.)

This trail system is recommended mainly for experienced riders. The trails range from deep rutted single track with tight switchbacks and mud holes, to extremely sharp rocky sections near the peaks that will tear up your tires a bit.

The access road is narrow and winding, and is not recommended for RVs or long trailers. All trails are looped, and there is a nice swimming hole downstream from where trail 6 meets 24. Maps are available at each of the staging areas, which have loading docks and restrooms.

This area is most crowded in the fall, and the ruts and mud holes get very deep in some places. The surrounding area has 25,000 acres for hiking and mountain biking.

Please note that this area is subject to temporary wet weather closures and may close on short notice, so check the hotline before heading out.

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Permit RequiredYesCA OHMVR stickers required
Dates OpenYear-RoundCA OHMVR red sticker vehicles permitted year round
Other ATV Stickers AcceptedYesResidents of any state not listed must purchase a Nonresident OHV Use Permit. (AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, IA, ID, IN, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MT, ND, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, TX, UT, VT, WA, WI, WY)
Spark ArrestorYesA spark arresting exhaust silencer or end cap is required for all vehicles.
Noise LimitYes (96 dB)CA OHMVR noise limits apply (1985/older limit 101 dB, 1986/newer limit 96 dB)
Whip FlagsNot Required
Maximum Vehicle WidthNo Restriction
Allow Dirt Bikes, Trail Bikes and Motorcycles Motorcycles & Dirt BikesPermittedCA OHMVR stickers required
Allow All Terrain Vehicles / Quads / Four Wheelers ATVsPermittedCA OHMVR stickers required
some trails too narrow for ATVs
Allow Utility Terrain Vehicles, Side by Sides (SXS), RZR UTV & SXSSome AreasCA OHMVR stickers required
permitted on designated 4x4 trails
Allow 4x4 Jeeps, SUVs and 4 x 4 Trucks with License Plates SUVs & Jeeps (registered)Some Areaspermitted on designated 4x4 trails
Dune Buggy & Sand Rail
4x4 (unregistered)
Some AreasCA OHMVR stickers required
permitted on designated 4x4 trails
2 Stroke EnginesNo RestrictionCA OHMVR restrictions apply
MX Helmet RequiredYeshelmets required by state law
Camping / Overnight RV Parking CampingSome Areas(camp in developed sites only)
Red Mountain Camp
Campfire Restrictions CampfiresSome Areas(permitted in developed campsites only)
Night RidingNoquiet hours at dusk
Trail BlazingProhibitedstay on trail
AlcoholNo Restriction
Rule EnforcementFew/PeriodicJeep/SUV Patrol


Approx Size23,000 acres (36 sq mi)
Miles Of Trail94
Climate TypeForest
Elevation800 to 4000 ft.
Trail MaintenanceNot Marked, Not Rated, Not Maintained
Loose DirtThis trail has some loose dirt.Some
Hard PackThe trail has some hard pack terrain.Some
SandThis trail has no sandy areas.None
MudThe trail has some mud after it rains.Some
DustThe trail has little dust on typical days.Little
RocksThis trail has some rocks.Someupper elevation trails are very rocky
TreesThe trail has many trees.Many
Steep HillsThis trail has many steep hills.Many
Water CrossingsThe trail has few water crossings.Few
Small JumpsThis trail has some small jumps.Some
Large JumpsThis trail has few large jumps.Few
BermsThe trail has some berms.Some
Sand/Gravel PitsThis BLM land has no sand or gravel pits.None
Single TrackThis BLM land has many single track trails.Manybeware steep climbs with sharp cut-backs
RoadsThis BLM land has some roads.Some
IntersectionsThis trail has some intersections.Some
Rider TrafficThe BLM land has some rider traffic on typical days.Somebusy in late spring and fall, slow in summer
ShadeThis BLM land has many shaded areas.Many
Ranges/GunfireThis BLM land has some shooting ranges or gunfire.Some
HazardsThis trail has some hazards.Some(hazards not marked)
very deep ruts (waist high), huge mud holes
Easy Terrain NoviceThis trail has some beginner terrain.Some
Moderate Terrain AmateurThis trail has mostly intermediate level terrain.Mostly
Difficult Terrain ExpertThis trail has some expert terrain.Some
CommentTarget practice at N.Cow Mountain, S.Cow Mountain open to hunters all year.


AreaMotorized Trails
MX TRACK  Motocross Track
Max Engine SizeNo Maximum
Min Engine SizeNo Minimum
CommentPractice Track


Gasoline Gasoline5-20 Miles (NW)AMPM (707) 462-1969
Diesel Diesel5-20 Miles (NW)AMPM (707) 462-1969
Potable Water Water30+ Miles (NW)potable water
Redwood Empire Fairgrounds Overnight RV Park (707) 462-3884
RV Hookups RV Hookup30+ Miles (NW)Redwood Empire Fairgrounds Overnight RV Park (707) 462-3884
RV Dump Station RV Disposal30+ Miles (NW)Redwood Empire Fairgrounds Overnight RV Park (707) 462-3884
Primitive Camping CampgroundOn SiteRed Mountain Campground
Convenience Store Conv Store5-20 Miles (NW)AMPM (707) 462-1969




Proslot of single track, nice staging areas, swimming hole where trail 6 meets 24, maps at staging area, loading docks, looped trails
Consdeep ruts, some very rocky sections, rugged access road, only 10 camp sites, tough to get an RV in. two way trails - very tight
Our RatingRatingVery Good
Recommended Stay1-2 Days
late spring when creeks flow
Comments(Scroll Down For Rider Reviews & Comments)


Nearest CityUkiah, CA
AddressMill Creek Road, Ukiah, CA 95482
Go Back To California List
Trail MapGo To Trail Map
From: San Francisco, CA
1) 101 N to Exit 548A
2) Turn right (east) off the exit ramp onto Talmage Road, continue 1.5 miles
3) Turn right (south) onto Old River Road, continue .4 miles
4) Turn left (east) onto Mill Creek Road, continue 5.7 miles (follow the signs to South Cow Mountain Recreation Area).

Note: Access road is steep, rugged and narrow with tight switchbacks. RVs and trailers not recommended.


Contact InfoBLM - Ukiah Field Office
2550 North State Street
Ukiah, CA 95482
(707) 468-4000
CommentExtension 1


South Cow Mountain Trail Photo

South Cow Mountain Trail

Keep an eye out for deep ruts.  This trail had ruts so deep that they actually caught the footpegs and stopped this CRF150.

South Cow Mountain Trail Photo

Scenic view at South Cow Mountain Trail

South Cow Mountain Trail Photo

Honda CRF Dirtbike at South Cow Mountain Trail

Here is another look at some of the ruts we encountered in the woods.  They were a nuisance for the mini bike.

South Cow Mountain Trail Photo

Honda CRF Dirt Bike at South Cow Mountain Trail

And here's some dry single track (almost) to round out the mix of terrain.  This place really does have a little of everything.

South Cow Mountain Trail Photo

Honda CRF Motorcycle at South Cow Mountain Trail

The brush tunnels and the tight woods trails were the most fun.

South Cow Mountain Trail Photo

Example of terrain at South Cow Mountain Trail

South Cow Mountain Trail Photo

Honda CRF Dirt Bike at South Cow Mountain Trail

South Cow Mountain Trail Photo

Honda CRF Motorbike at South Cow Mountain Trail

So just like that the trails can switch back to narrow woods.  Smooth and twisty.

South Cow Mountain Trail Photo

A trail at South Cow Mountain Trail

There were plenty of deeper mud puddles that were fun to go through as well.

South Cow Mountain Trail Photo

Honda CRF Dirt Bike at South Cow Mountain Trail

This part of the trail was pretty fun with just the occasional mud puddle.

South Cow Mountain Trail Photo

Honda CRF Trail Bike at South Cow Mountain Trail

Up near the top of the mountain the trails get pretty rocky.  These small rocks are loose and sharp but most of the trails are not like this.

South Cow Mountain Trail Photo

Honda CRF Dirtbike getting wet at South Cow Mountain Trail

Another look at one of the upper trails surrounded by shrubs.  The dirt was great, really soft, and you would think the trail would dry out quicker than it does.


South Cow Mountain Trail Photo

Scenery from South Cow Mountain Trail

This is a typical view from a hilltop where you can see the pond and some of the other trails along one of the two main routes.

South Cow Mountain Trail Photo

Honda CRF Dirt Bike at South Cow Mountain Trail

Here is another example of how some of the trails get pretty rocky toward the top of the ridge.  This trails was just piles of loose sharp rocks so keep your tire pressure up.

South Cow Mountain Trail Photo

Scenic view at South Cow Mountain Trail

One of the many scenic views to be had from the ridge tops.  Looking back toward the valley.

South Cow Mountain Trail Photo

South Cow Mountain Trail

Photo Submitted 4/24/2015 (Thanks!)

South Cow Mountain Trail Photo

South Cow Mountain Trail

Photo Submitted 4/24/2015 (Thanks!)

South Cow Mountain Trail Photo

South Cow Mountain Trail

Photo Submitted 4/24/2015 (Thanks!)

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