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Redington Pass

Monday, February 10, 2025

Other Names

Redington Road, Tanque Verde Rd, Tanque Verde Falls, Chivo Falls, Coronado National Forest, Agua Caliente Hill, Agua Caliente Canyon, Italian Trap, Canyon De La Pina, Jaquine Canyon, Alisoo Canyon, Santa Caliente Mountains, Rincon Mountains, Chimney Rock, Redington Pass, Santa Catalina Ranger District

Last Known StatusOpen

This secluded area has several miles of very nice motorcycle and ATV trails and some surrounding fun jeep trails that offer beautiful panoramic desert views. The trails are somewhat rocky, but still a lot of fun on a motorcycle. (The trail system itself is maintained by the Tucson Rough Riders, so be sure to say thanks for the great work.)

The main access road is maintained but is long and steep which may make driving up with large RVs or trailers difficult. The main staging area has three loading ramps and offers ample turnaround space for large vehicles.

After a day of riding check out the two hiking trails that lead to Tanque Verde creek. The lower trailhead will lead to the bottom and if you hike upstream for about 25 minutes you will come across a 75’ waterfall. (The upper trailhead provides access to a nude beach area.)

The Arizona Game and Fish Department occasionally sets up a checkpoint on the main access road to enforce hunting regulations but they also check for OHV stickers. It is only legal to ride on the main access road if you make your bike street legal, and you'll still need an OHV sticker.

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Permit RequiredYesAZGFD sticker required
Dates OpenYear-Round
Other ATV Stickers AcceptedNoAll non-residents must purchase an Arizona OHV decal.
Spark ArrestorYesA spark arresting exhaust silencer or end cap is required for all vehicles.
Noise LimitYes (96 dB)
Whip FlagsNot Required
Maximum Vehicle WidthNo Restriction
Allow Dirt Bikes, Trail Bikes and Motorcycles Motorcycles & Dirt BikesPermitted
Allow All Terrain Vehicles / Quads / Four Wheelers ATVsPermitted
Allow Utility Terrain Vehicles, Side by Sides (SXS), RZR UTV & SXSPermitted
Allow 4x4 Jeeps, SUVs and 4 x 4 Trucks with License Plates SUVs & Jeeps (registered)Some Areaspermitted on designated trails
Dune Buggy & Sand Rail
4x4 (unregistered)
Some Areaspermitted on designated trails
2 Stroke EnginesNo Restriction
MX Helmet RequiredYouth Onlyrequired for persons under 18 by state law
(RiderPlanet strongly recommends helmets for all riders.)
Camping / Overnight RV Parking CampingNo Restriction(camp anywhere)
Campfire Restrictions CampfiresSome Areas(permitted in developed campsites only)
campfire permit required
Night RidingYes
Trail BlazingProhibitedstay on the trail
Rule EnforcementFew/PeriodicJeep/SUV Patrol
Occasionally a road block checkpoint is set up to check for OHV stickers and hunting tags.


Approx Size19,200 acres (30 sq mi)
Miles Of Trail10
Climate TypeDesert
Elevation3700 to 4500 ft.
Trail MaintenanceMarked, Not Rated, Lightly Maintained
Loose DirtThis trail has some loose dirt.Some
Hard PackThe trail has some hard pack terrain.Somemostly hardpacked sand
SandThis trail has some sandy areas.Some
MudThe trail has little mud after it rains.Littlepuddles
DustThe trail has no dust on typical days.None
RocksThis trail has mostly rocks.Mostly
TreesThe trail has few trees.Few
Steep HillsThis trail has no steep hills.None
Water CrossingsThe trail has many water crossings.Many
Small JumpsThis trail has many small jumps.Many
Large JumpsThis trail has no large jumps.None
BermsThe trail has some berms.Some
Sand/Gravel PitsThis national forest has no sand or gravel pits.None
Single TrackThis national forest has no single track trails.Nonedouble-track trails
RoadsThis national forest has mostly roads.Mostly
IntersectionsThis trail has few intersections.Few
Rider TrafficThe national forest has few rider traffic on typical days.Few
ShadeThis national forest has few shaded areas.Few
Ranges/GunfireThis national forest has many shooting ranges or gunfire.Many
HazardsThis trail has few hazards.Few(hazards not marked)
Easy Terrain NoviceThis trail has little beginner terrain.Little
Moderate Terrain AmateurThis trail has mostly intermediate level terrain.Mostly
Difficult Terrain ExpertThis trail has no expert terrain.None
Commentmostly jeep trails with couple of motorcycle/ATV designated trails


AreaMotorized Trails
LandNational Forest


Gasoline Gasoline5-20 Miles (SW)Circle K/Tucson (520) 749-4658
Diesel Diesel5-20 Miles (SW)Circle K/Tucson (520) 749-4658
Potable Water Water5-20 Miles (SW)Circle K/Tucson (520) 749-4658
RV Hookups RV Hookup5-20 Miles (S)Cactus Country RV Resort (800) 777-8799
RV Dump Station RV Disposal5-20 Miles (S)Cactus Country RV Resort (800) 777-8799
Primitive Camping Campground5-20 Miles (NW)Molino Basin Campground
Convenience Store Conv Store5-20 Miles (SW)Unicomp Fortran Market (520) 298-7212


CommentSurrounding campsites have different fees.


Prossecluded, free, decent staging area, some very nice motorcycle/ATV trails
Conslong access road, difficult to access for RVs, street legal bikes only on access road
Our RatingRatingVery Good
Recommended Stay1-2 Days
Comments(Scroll Down For Rider Reviews & Comments)


Nearest CityTucson, AZ
AddressRedington Road, Tucson, AZ 85748
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Trail MapGo To Trail Map
From: Tucson, AZ
1) Take Grant Road east to Tanque Verde Road intersection
2) Turn left on Tanque Verde Road and continue east 18.1 miles. (Tanque Verde Road will turn to Redington Road which will turn into a steep dirt road). Staging area is on the left.


Contact InfoCoronado National Forest - Santa Catalina Ranger District
5700 N. Sabino Canyon Road
Tucson, AZ 85750
(520) 749-8700


Redington Pass Trail Photo

Redington Pass Trail

There is one main loop for motorcycles, but there are also many wider trails throughout the area.

Redington Pass Trail Photo

Scenery at Redington Pass Trail

This hiking path leads to the falls, where there are some large rocks for sunbathing and swimming.

Redington Pass Trail Photo

Honda CRF Motorbike at Redington Pass Trail

Parts of the motorcycle trail are rocky but nothing too bad.

Redington Pass Trail Photo

Honda CRF Dirt Bike jumping at Redington Pass Trail

There are countless wide sandy 4x4 trails and some and a few small play pits near the staging area.

Redington Pass Trail Photo

Honda CRF Motorcycle in the water at Redington Pass Trail

There are a handful of water crossings, most of which are shallow.

Redington Pass Trail Photo

Redington Pass Trail

Not all of the trails are rocky.

Redington Pass Trail Photo

Honda CRF Off-Road Bike at Redington Pass Trail

Redington Pass Trail Photo

Scenery at Redington Pass Trail

Redington Pass Trail Photo

Honda CRF Motorcycle at Redington Pass Trail

Redington Pass Trail Photo

Scenic view of Redington Pass Trail

The waterfalls are in this canyon, which can be reached by the hiking trail.

Redington Pass Trail Photo

RV Trailer Staging Area and Camping at Redington Pass Trail

The main staging area is clearly marked and has restrooms and loading ramps.

Redington Pass Trail Photo

OHV at Redington Pass Trail

One of the many cool diversions along the trail.


Redington Pass Trail Photo

Honda CRF Off-Road Bike at Redington Pass Trail

Redington Pass Trail Photo

Some terrain at Redington Pass Trail

There are some trails for motorcycles and ATVs only.  Keep your eyes open or you may blow right past them.

Redington Pass Trail Photo

Honda CRF Motorbike at Redington Pass Trail

Redington Pass Trail Photo

Honda CRF Motorcycle at Redington Pass Trail

This could probably be considered a typical example of the motorcycle and ATV only trails.

Redington Pass Trail Photo

Honda CRF Motorbike at Redington Pass Trail

Redington Pass Trail Photo

Honda CRF Motorcycle at Redington Pass Trail


Redington Pass Trail Photo

Honda CRF Motorcycle getting wet at Redington Pass Trail

This water crossing was on the 4x4 trail.

Redington Pass Trail Photo

Honda CRF Motorcycle getting wet at Redington Pass Trail

Mud puddles are pretty common here during the winter.  Nothing too bad, but sometimes a little deeper than they look.

Redington Pass Trail Photo

Honda CRF Trail Bike at Redington Pass Trail

Redington Pass Trail Photo

Honda CRF Motorcycle at Redington Pass Trail

Redington Pass Trail Photo

Honda CRF Motorcycle traversing the water at Redington Pass Trail

There is one pretty fun section where the trail follows the stream for awhile.

Redington Pass Trail Photo

Honda CRF Motorcycle at Redington Pass Trail


Redington Pass Trail Photo

Some terrain at Redington Pass Trail

Some sections of the motorcycle trail have loose rocks like this to keep you alert.

Redington Pass Trail Photo

Honda CRF Dirt Bike at Redington Pass Trail

Redington Pass Trail Photo

Honda CRF Dirt Bike at Redington Pass Trail

Redington Pass Trail Photo

Honda CRF Motorcycle at Redington Pass Trail

Redington Pass Trail Photo

Honda CRF Dirtbike at Redington Pass Trail

Redington Pass Trail Photo

Honda CRF Motorcycle at Redington Pass Trail


Redington Pass Trail Photo

Honda CRF Motorcycle at Redington Pass Trail

Redington Pass Trail Photo

Honda CRF Off-Road Bike at Redington Pass Trail

Redington Pass Trail Photo

Honda CRF Motorcycle at Redington Pass Trail

Redington Pass Trail Photo

Scenery at Redington Pass Trail

Redington Pass Trail Photo

Honda CRF Dirt Bike at Redington Pass Trail

Redington Pass Trail Photo

Redington Pass Trail
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