Home > Calendar > 9th Annual Papa Bear Run |
Dust off your machine, fuel it up and join us in Marysvale for the Papa Bear Run over Father's Day Weekend.
As part of the Paiute Trail Adventure Series we have scheduled our Annual Papa Bear Run, the ride will take place Saturday, June 18. We will have a full day of fun riding, great food, great friends, and prizes.
We will start with breakfast at the Marysvale City Park. Schedule is outlined below.
8:30am Registration and check in (Marysvale City Park, Marysvale, Utah)
9am -10am Breakfast: Biscuits and Gravy, scrambled eggs, sausage, assorted pastries, coffee, juice and cocoa ($12.00 Optional Meal Ticket required, breakfast served at Marysvale City Park.)
10am Ride Departs - ride will be marked and maps will be provided (for those participating in the poker run cards are $5 each or 5 for $20).
4pm Dinner: Brisket, potatoes, veggies, salad, rolls, desert, water ($18.00 Optional Meal Ticket required, dinner served at Marysvale City Park).
5pm: 50/50 Drawing, Poker Run Awards!
We are excited to share the splendor of the Paiute Trail coming to life here in Piute County.
See you soon!
Dana Erickson
(435) 577-2949