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Wood Chopper Hare Scrambles

A NETRA Harescramble And Enduro Event

A Hare Scramble and Enduro is scheduled for September 22-23 near West Greenwich, Rhode Island. NETRA membership is required which can be purchased online or onsite for $45/year or $25/day.

Entry Fees:

PeeWee - $30

Mini A and B, Girls and Big Wheels - $30

Jr. Enduro - $35

Vintage - $30

All Others - $45

Saturday (PeeWee, Junior Enduro and Vintage Scramble)

8am - PeeWee 5, 4, 3

10am - PeeWee 1 and 2

12pm - Mini, Girls and Big Wheels

2pm - Junior Enduro/Women's

2pm Vintage

Sunday (Hare Scramble)

9am - Big Wheel, Minis and Girls

11am - Novice

1:30pm - Amateur, Expert and Pro

For more information contact the Rhody Rovers Motorcycle Club or NETRA at (508) 306-1410.

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