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Laurel City Scramble

One Weekend, Two NETRA Championship Events!

A Junior Enduro and Hare Scramble event is set for June 16-17 near Winsted, CT. NETRA membership is required and can be purchased onsite for $45/year or $25/day.

Saturday - Junior Enduro

(sound test & signup - 8am-12:30pm)

10am - Big Wheels & Minis

1pm - Juniors & Women

Cost is $35/person

For more information call (860) 689-1988 or e-mail mkelley@xhema.com

Sunday - Hare Scramble

(sound test and sign up 7am-1pm)

9am - Mini, A&B, Big Wheels and Girls

11am - Super Senior, Novice, Sportsman and Womens

1:30pm - AA, A and B

Cost is $35/Mini, A&B, Big Wheels and Girls class, $50/rider for AA, A, B, Super Senior, Novice, Sportsman and Womens class.

For more information call (860) 209-6786 or e-mail bobleriii@gmail.com

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