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North Carolina ATV Trails

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Carolina Backwoods
Trail Photo Carolina Backwoods Rating
Status: Open
Type: Trail  (Privately Owned / Commercial)
Location: Ash, NC
Difficulty: Difficulty

Just a short drive away from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, this facility offers guided ATV tours on 200 acres of private property.   More...

Catheys Creek Motocross
Trail Photo Catheys Creek Motocross Rating
Status: Open
Type: Track  (Privately Owned / Commercial)
Location: Forest City, NC
Difficulty: Difficulty

This motocross track is a little over one mile long and has the standard obstacles with plenty of natural elevation changes.   More...

County Line Motocross Park
Trail Photo County Line Motocross Park Rating
Status: Open
Type: Track  (Privately Owned / Commercial)
Location: Bolton, NC
Difficulty: Difficulty

This motocross park is open for practice during weekends, weather permitting and offers an outdoor national track that caters to both novices and pros.   More...

CowBranch MX
Trail Photo CowBranch MX Rating
Status: Open
Type: Track  (Privately Owned / Commercial)
Location: Macclesfield, NC
Difficulty: Difficulty

This motocross park offers a 1.5-mile track and a separate peeweee track that are primarily made of clay and sand.   More...

CRMX Motocross
Trail Photo CRMX Motocross Rating
Status: Open
Type: Track  (Privately Owned / Commercial)
Location: Yadkinville, NC
Difficulty: Difficulty

This track is open for practice Saturday and Sunday.   More...

Daniels Ridge Motocross
Trail Photo Daniels Ridge Motocross Rating
Status: Open
Type: Track  (Privately Owned / Commercial)
Location: Taylorsville, NC
Difficulty: Difficulty

This motocross track is generally open for practice on Thursdays, weather permitting.   More...

Deep Creek ATV 2.0
Trail Photo Deep Creek ATV 2.0 Rating
Status: Open
Type: Trail  (Privately Owned / Commercial)
Location: Linden, NC
Difficulty: Difficulty

This offroad park offers deep mud bogs, several play pits, about 15 miles of sandy ATV trails and a water filled tunnel that goes under the main entrance road that you can ride through.   More...

Devils Ridge Motocross
Trail Photo Devils Ridge Motocross Rating
Status: Open
Type: Combo  (Privately Owned / Commercial)
Location: Sanford, NC
Difficulty: Difficulty

This motocross park features a very long and fast track with natural terrain and standard obstacles, plus 5.5 miles of trails that are ATV and side by side friendly.   More...

Dreamville MX
Trail Photo Dreamville MX Rating
Status: Open
Type: Track  (Privately Owned / Commercial)
Location: Raeford, NC
Difficulty: Difficulty

This motocross facility offers a 1.4 mile intermediate track and a separate peewee track.   More...

East Bend Motorsports
Trail Photo East Bend Motorsports Rating
Status: Open
Type: Track  (Privately Owned / Commercial)
Location: East Bend, NC
Difficulty: Difficulty

This track is open to both bikes and quads and is prepped and watered during each scheduled open practice day.   More...

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