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This track is closed and no longer open for practice. More...
This offroad resort at one time was open to both dualsport and dirt riders but is now closed with no plans to reopen. More...
This facility no longer features an indoor motocross track but currently operates a go-kart track. More...
This motocross park is closed and no longer open for riding. More...
This motocross park at one time offered a nicely designed main track with a concrete starting gate and a separate amateur track but is now closed and no longer open for riding. More...
This motocross track appears to be closed but if you know better then send us a support ticket and we will update this listing.. More...
Once a featured location in several Crusty Demons films, this track was about two miles long track and consisted of sandy and hardpacked sections with large jumps but is now closed. More...
This was a popular motorcycle trail back in the mid 70's that bordered the Chumash Wilderness and connected Quatal Canyon Road to Apache Canyon Road but has been closed since the mid 90's due to a massive landslide. More...