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Hodges Village Dam

Friday, March 7, 2025

Other Names

Hodges Village Reservoir, French River, Stumpy Pond, Cedar Swamp, Hodges Dam

Last Known StatusTemporarily Closed  (closed for mud season)

Overlooking the scenic French River, this area offers about 10 miles of motorcycle trails that consist mainly of easy and fast flowing single track with several bridge crossings, a few moderate inclines and an obstacle course.

The motorcycle trails are located on the western side of the river while the hiking and mountain bike trails are located on the eastern side marked with blue and yellow blazes. There are two staging areas however the northern access off Clara Barton Road is the most popular with motorcyclists.

The trails are open for most of the year but will close temporarily during spring thaw.

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Permit RequiredYesMassachusetts Registration Sticker
Dates OpenOpen daily except during spring thaw.
Other ATV Stickers AcceptedNoMotorcycles must be registered in Massachusetts, no reciprocity with other states.
Spark ArrestorYesA spark arresting exhaust silencer or end cap is required for all vehicles.
Noise LimitYes (96 dB)
Whip FlagsNot Required
Maximum Vehicle Width
Allow Dirt Bikes, Trail Bikes and Motorcycles Motorcycles & Dirt BikesPermitted
Allow All Terrain Vehicles / Quads / Four Wheelers ATVsProhibited
Allow Utility Terrain Vehicles, Side by Sides (SXS), RZR UTV & SXSProhibited
Allow 4x4 Jeeps, SUVs and 4 x 4 Trucks with License Plates SUVs & Jeeps (registered)Prohibited
Dune Buggy & Sand Rail
4x4 (unregistered)
2 Stroke EnginesNo Restriction
MX Helmet RequiredYesrequired by state law
Camping / Overnight RV Parking CampingProhibited
Campfire Restrictions CampfiresProhibited
Night RidingNoRiding hours are from dawn to dusk.
Trail BlazingProhibitedstay on trails
Rule EnforcementSomeDedicated Rangers/Officers


Approx Size1,200 acres (2 sq mi)
Miles Of Trail10
Climate TypeForest
Elevation500 to 750 ft.
Trail MaintenanceMarked, Not Rated, Lightly Maintained
Loose DirtThis trail has mostly loose dirt.Mostly
Hard PackThe trail has some hard pack terrain.Some
SandThis trail has some sandy areas.Some
MudThe trail has some mud after it rains.Some
DustThe trail has little dust on typical days.Little
RocksThis trail has some rocks.Some
TreesThe trail has almost all trees.All
Steep HillsThis trail has few steep hills.Few
Water CrossingsThe trail has few water crossings.Few
Small JumpsThis trail has some small jumps.Some
Large JumpsThis trail has no large jumps.None
BermsThe trail has many berms.Many
Sand/Gravel PitsThis USACE land has few sand or gravel pits.Few
Single TrackThis USACE land has many single track trails.Many
RoadsThis USACE land has few roads.Few
IntersectionsThis trail has some intersections.Some
Rider TrafficThe USACE land has many rider traffic on typical days.Many
ShadeThis USACE land has some shaded areas.Some
Ranges/GunfireThis USACE land has few shooting ranges or gunfire.FewHunting permitted on the west side of the French Reservoir.
HazardsThis trail has few hazards.Few(hazards not marked)
Easy Terrain NoviceThis trail has some beginner terrain.Some
Moderate Terrain AmateurThis trail has mostly intermediate level terrain.Mostly
Difficult Terrain ExpertThis trail has some expert terrain.Some


AreaMotorized Trails
LandArmy Corps of Engineers


Gasoline Gasoline1-5 Miles (S)Cumberland Farms (508) 987-0858
Diesel Diesel1-5 Miles (S)Cumberland Farms (508) 987-0858
Potable Water Water1-5 Miles (E)Sutton Falls Camping Area (508) 865-3898
RV Hookups RV Hookup1-5 Miles (E)Sutton Falls Camping Area (508) 865-3898
RV Dump Station RV Disposal1-5 Miles (E)Sutton Falls Camping Area (508) 865-3898
Primitive Camping Campground1-5 Miles (E)Sutton Falls Camping Area (508) 865-3898
Convenience Store Conv Store1-5 Miles (NE)The Villager (508) 987-8731




Prosnice single track, beautiful scenery, good variety of easy and technical trails
Conssmall parking area, no camping
Our RatingRatingExcellent
Recommended StayFull Day
Comments(Scroll Down For Rider Reviews & Comments)


Nearest CityOxford, MA
AddressClara Barton Road, North Oxford, MA 01537
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Trail MapGo To Trail Map
From: Worcester, MA
1) Take I-290 West to Exit 11B (I-290 turns into I-395)
2) Turn right (west) off the exit ramp Washington Street/US-20, continue 1.7 miles
3) Veer left (south) onto SR-12, continue 1.4 miles
4) Turn right (west) on Clara Barton Road, continue .2 miles
5) Turn left (south) after bridge, continue about .5 miles
6) Staging area is on the right.


Contact InfoUS Army Corps of Engineers - Hodges Village Dam
48 Old Oxford Road
Charlton, MA 01507
(508) 248-5697
Contact InfoMassachusetts Environmental Police
251 Causeway Street Suite 101
Boston, MA 02114
(617) 626-1610
CommentMotorcycle Registration Info


Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

Hodges Village Dam Trail

The trails offer nice views of the French River.

Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

Honda CRF Motorcycle at Hodges Village Dam Trail

Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

Example of terrain at Hodges Village Dam Trail

Most of the trails look like this - smooth and fast with nice berms.

Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

Hodges Village Dam Trail

Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

Honda CRF Off-Road Bike at Hodges Village Dam Trail

Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

Honda CRF Dirt Bike at Hodges Village Dam Trail

Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

Honda CRF Motorcycle in the water at Hodges Village Dam Trail

One of the bridge crossings.

Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

Honda CRF Motorcycle at Hodges Village Dam Trail

Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

Honda CRF Motorcycle crossing the water at Hodges Village Dam Trail

Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

OHV at Hodges Village Dam Trail

Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

Honda CRF Dirt Bike getting wet at Hodges Village Dam Trail

Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

Honda CRF Motorcycle at Hodges Village Dam Trail

Having a little fun at the sand pit.


Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

Honda CRF Off-Road Bike at Hodges Village Dam Trail

Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

Honda CRF Motorcycle jumping at Hodges Village Dam Trail

Having some fun on the obstacle course.

Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

OHV at Hodges Village Dam Trail

Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

Honda CRF Off-Road Bike doing a wheelie at Hodges Village Dam Trail

Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

Scenic view at Hodges Village Dam Trail

Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

Honda CRF Motorcycle doing a wheelie at Hodges Village Dam Trail


Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

Honda CRF Motorcycle at Hodges Village Dam Trail

Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

Honda CRF Trail Bike at Hodges Village Dam Trail

Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

Honda CRF Dirt Bike at Hodges Village Dam Trail

Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

Honda CRF Dirt Bike at Hodges Village Dam Trail

Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

Honda CRF Motorcycle at Hodges Village Dam Trail

The obstacle course has a few logs and some shallow sand pits to test your trial skills.

Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

Honda CRF Dirt Bike at Hodges Village Dam Trail


Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

Honda CRF Motorbike at Hodges Village Dam Trail

Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

Scenic view at Hodges Village Dam Trail

Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

Honda CRF Dirt Bike at Hodges Village Dam Trail

Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

OHV at Hodges Village Dam Trail

Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

Example of terrain at Hodges Village Dam Trail

Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

OHV at Hodges Village Dam Trail


Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

RV Trailer Staging Area and Camping at Hodges Village Dam Trail

Parking is limited and narrow. There is a small turnaround spot to the right. Large trailers are not recommended.

Hodges Village Dam Trail Photo

Honda CRF Dirt Bike at Hodges Village Dam Trail

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