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La Posa OHV Routes

Monday, February 10, 2025

Other Names

Quartzsite, Hi Jolly Campground, Dome Rock Campground, Sugarloaf Peak, La Cholla Mountain, Middle Camp Mountain, Scaddan Wash Campground, Sonoran Desert, Plomosa Road Campground, Arizona Peace Trail

Last Known StatusOpen

This popular winter destination offers hundreds of miles of marked desert roads and trails on BLM land that are open to motorized use. Most trails are wide enough to accommodate even the widest ATVs and UTVs, plus the terrain is generally hard packed and rated as mostly easy. The trails are marked and many form long loops that lead to abandoned mines, cabins, mills and scenic overlooks.

The trails are open year-round but summer months are extremely hot, making daytime temps reach over 100F. The nearby town of Quartzsite offers numerous RV campgrounds, restaurants, laundromats, grocery stores and gasoline stations.

The area offers several popular boondock campgrounds which can accommodate large sized RVs. There is no fee charged to camp at most locations but stays are limited to 14 days and there are no services.

This area has four designated long term visitor areas (LTVA's) that cater to campers who want to stay for a longer period of time. All four LTVA's are located near Quartzsite off Hwy 95 (La Posa West, La Posa North, La Posa Tyson Wash and La Posa South). There are no services at the north, west or Tyson Wash except for garbage removal but La Posa South offers an RV dump station, eight water spigots (non-potable), vault toilets plus five large garbage dumpsters. A permit is required to use the La Posa South amenities or if camping at any of the LTVA's. The permit can be purchased online or onsite at one of the ranger stations. Permits are available for 14 days or for the season (September 15 through April 15).

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Permit RequiredYesAZGFD sticker required
Dates OpenYear-Round but best time to visit is October through March.
Other ATV Stickers AcceptedNoAll non-residents must purchase an Arizona OHV decal.
Spark ArrestorYesA spark arresting exhaust silencer or end cap is required for all vehicles.
Noise LimitYes (96 dB)
Whip FlagsNot RequiredWhip Flags Recommended For Safety
Maximum Vehicle WidthNo Restriction
Allow Dirt Bikes, Trail Bikes and Motorcycles Motorcycles & Dirt BikesPermitted
Allow All Terrain Vehicles / Quads / Four Wheelers ATVsPermitted
Allow Utility Terrain Vehicles, Side by Sides (SXS), RZR UTV & SXSPermitted
Allow 4x4 Jeeps, SUVs and 4 x 4 Trucks with License Plates SUVs & Jeeps (registered)Permitted
Dune Buggy & Sand Rail
4x4 (unregistered)
2 Stroke EnginesNo Restriction
MX Helmet RequiredYouth Onlyrequired for persons under 18 by state law
(RiderPlanet strongly recommends helmets for all riders.)
Camping / Overnight RV Parking CampingNo Restriction(camp anywhere)
Campfire Restrictions Campfires
Night RidingUnknown
Trail BlazingProhibitedstay on the trail
Rule Enforcement


Approx Size11,400 acres (18 sq mi)
Miles Of Trail750
Climate TypeDesert
Elevation1000 to 1200 ft.
Trail MaintenanceMarked, Not Rated, Lightly Maintained
Loose DirtThis trail has no loose dirt.None
Hard PackThe trail has mostly hard pack terrain.Mostly
SandThis trail has little sandy areas.Little
MudThe trail has little mud after it rains.Little
DustThe trail has some dust on typical days.Some
RocksThis trail has some rocks.Some
TreesThe trail has no trees.None
Steep HillsThis trail has some steep hills.Some
Water CrossingsThe trail has no water crossings.None
Small JumpsThis trail has no small jumps.None
Large JumpsThis trail has no large jumps.None
BermsThe trail has few berms.Few
Sand/Gravel PitsThis BLM land has no sand or gravel pits.None
Single TrackThis BLM land has few single track trails.Few
RoadsThis BLM land has mostly roads.Mostly
ShadeThis BLM land has no shaded areas.None
HazardsThis trail has few hazards.Few(hazards not marked)
Easy Terrain NoviceThis trail has mostly beginner terrain.Mostly
Moderate Terrain AmateurThis trail has little intermediate level terrain.Little
Difficult Terrain ExpertThis trail has no expert terrain.None


AreaMotorized Trails


Gasoline Gasoline1-5 Miles (E)Loves Travel Station (928) 927-8570
Diesel Diesel1-5 Miles (E)Loves Travel Station (928) 927-8570
Potable Water Water1-5 Miles (E)La Posa Long Term Visitor Area (928) 317-3200
RV Hookups RV Hookup1-5 Miles (NE)Desert Gardens RV Park (928) 927-6361
RV Dump Station RV Disposal1-5 Miles (E)La Posa Long Term Visitor Area (928) 317-3200
Primitive Camping CampgroundOn Site
Convenience Store Conv Store1-5 Miles (E)Roadrunner Market (928) 927-6326


CommentFee charged to camp at La Posa Long Term Visitor Areas - exact change or check only. 14 day pass - $40; 7 months (valid Sept 15 through April 15) $180. For details call (928) 317-3200.


Our RatingRatingGood
Recommended StayFull Day
Comments(Scroll Down For Rider Reviews & Comments)


Nearest CityQuartzsite, AZ
AddressUS-95, Quartzsite, AZ 85346
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Trail MapGo To Trail Map
From: Ehrenberg, AZ
For Dome Rock Campground:
1) Take I-10 East to Exit 11
2) Continue straight past stop sign onto Frontage Road/Dome Rock Road, continue 1.6 miles
3) Campground entrance is on the right (south).

For Scaddan Wash Campground:
4) Continue east past Dome Rock Campground about 10 miles
5) Campground entrance is on the right (south).

For Hi Jolly Campground:
7) Continue east past Dome Rock Campground about 4 miles
8) Turn left (north) onto Central Blvd, continue 3.4 miles (road changes go Hwy 95)
9) Turn right (east) at Mile Marker 12/BLM Road 244, follow toward campground entrance.

For BLM Long Term Visitor Areas (LTVA):
10) From I-10 East take Exit 17
11) Turn right (south) off the exit ramp, continue about 1 block
12) Turn left (east) onto Kuehn Street, continue 1.5 miles
13) Turn right (south) onto Hwy 95, continue about 1/2 mile
14) La Posa North is on the left, La Posa West is on the right. For
La Posa South continue about 2 miles south. Entrance is on the left (east).


Contact InfoBLM - Yuma Field Office
2555 E. Gila Ridge Road
Yuma, AZ 85365
(928) 317-3200
Contact InfoArizona State Parks
(602) 542-6942
(602) 542-2146
CommentArizona State Parks OHV Sticker Info


La Posa Trail Photo

La Posa OHV Routes Trail

The trails have great scenery and most are wide enough to handle all vehicle types including 4x4s and wide UTVs.

La Posa Trail Photo

A Can-Am UTV parked in a clearing on the trail next to an abandoned rock structure.

There are numerous trail points with abandoned dwellings, mines and other interesting things to see.

La Posa Trail Photo

A view of the a desert valley from the ATV trail.

It is possible to do a number of large loops without having to repeat any trails.

La Posa Trail Photo

A Can-Am UTV crawls over rocks in a steep walled desert canyon.

You can find some fun trails that follow the wash and traverse small canyons.

La Posa Trail Photo

A wide angle view of the desert hills, cacti, and other desert vegetation.

There is a lot of wide open space and you can camp anywhere inside the LTVA.

La Posa Trail Photo

A dual exhaust Can-Am ATV on a desert trail with high rock walls.

You may encounter others on the trail during the busier winter season, but everyone is laid back and not in a hurry.

La Posa Trail Photo

A scenic landscape of the desert taken when the the sun was low.

The whole place has a great backdrop and there is a beautiful new sunset every night.

La Posa Trail Photo

A scenic landscape of a cactus with hills in the background.

This might be a typical boondock camping opportunity near the trail. Flat, small rocks, plenty of space to maneuver.

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