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TOP Trails Outdoor Park

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Other Names

Talladega County, Coosa River Storage Annex, Brecon Springs Campground

Last Known StatusOpen

This offroad park offers about 100 miles of trails. The park is open year-round Thursday through Sunday and is open to ATVs, UTVs and dirt bikes.

The property recently added electric and water hookups for RVs, four trailers for rent plus designated space for primitive camping. Other amenities include restroom and shower facilities, igloos for primitive camping and a welcome center.

All riders and passengers must wear a DOT or SNELL approved helmet and goggles and rentals are available for a small fee. Call before you haul.

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Permit RequiredNo
Dates OpenThursday through Sunday 8am-5pm
Other ATV Stickers AcceptedUnknown
Spark ArrestorNoA spark arresting exhaust silencer or end cap is not required but is always recommended.
Noise LimitNo
Whip FlagsNot Required
Maximum Vehicle Width
Allow Dirt Bikes, Trail Bikes and Motorcycles Motorcycles & Dirt BikesPermitted
Allow All Terrain Vehicles / Quads / Four Wheelers ATVsPermitted
Allow Utility Terrain Vehicles, Side by Sides (SXS), RZR UTV & SXSPermitted
Allow 4x4 Jeeps, SUVs and 4 x 4 Trucks with License Plates SUVs & Jeeps (registered)Prohibited
Dune Buggy & Sand Rail
4x4 (unregistered)
2 Stroke EnginesNo Restriction
MX Helmet RequiredYes
Camping / Overnight RV Parking CampingSome Areas(camp in developed sites only)
Campfire Restrictions CampfiresSome Areas(permitted in developed campsites only)
Night RidingYes
Trail BlazingProhibitedkeep on the trail
Rule Enforcement


Approx Size2,800 acres (4 sq mi)
Miles Of Trail100
Climate TypeForest
Elevation550 to 700 ft.
Trail MaintenanceMarked, Not Rated, Lightly Maintained
Loose DirtThis trail has some loose dirt.Some
MudThe trail has some mud after it rains.Some
DustThe trail has little dust on typical days.Little
RocksThis trail has little rocks.Little
TreesThe trail has many trees.Many
Steep HillsThis trail has few steep hills.Few
BermsThe trail has few berms.Few
Single TrackThis city property has some single track trails.Some
HazardsThis trail has few hazards.Few(hazards assumed marked but use caution)
Easy Terrain NoviceThis trail has some beginner terrain.Some
Moderate Terrain AmateurThis trail has mostly intermediate level terrain.Mostly
Difficult Terrain ExpertThis trail has little expert terrain.Little


AreaMotorized Trails
LandCity Land
CommentOwned and operated by the Public Park Authority of the Cities of Lincoln and Talladega.


Gasoline Gasoline1-5 Miles (SW)Express Mart (256) 362-4366
Diesel Diesel1-5 Miles (SW)Express Mart (256) 362-4366
Potable Water WaterOn Site
RV Hookups RV HookupOn Site
RV Dump Station RV DisposalOn Site
Primitive Camping CampgroundOn Site
Convenience Store Conv Store1-5 Miles (SW)Express Mart (256) 362-4366


EntryYes ($5.00 per vehicle)
RidingYes ($20.00 per rider)
Tent: $25.00
RV: $55.00
Addtl. Vehicle: $0.00


Our RatingRatingVery Good
Recommended Stay1-2 Days
Comments(Scroll Down For Rider Reviews & Comments)


Nearest CityTalladega, AL
Address550 Welch Ave, Talladega, AL 35160
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Trail MapGo To Trail Map
From: Birmingham, AL
1) Take I-20 East to Exit 168
2) Turn right (south) off the exit ramp onto SR-77, continue 11.4 miles
3) Turn left (east) onto SR-77, continue 1.3 miles
4) Turn left (north) onto SR-21, continue 1 block
5) Turn right (east) onto SR-21, continue .9 miles
6) Turn left (north) onto Brecon Ave., continue 1.1 miles
7) Turn right (east) onto Green Acres Drive, continue .3 miles
8) Veer right onto Nimitz Ave, continue 1 mile
9) Turn right (east) onto Naff Ave, continue .2 miles
10) Turn left (north) onto Horne Drive, follow toward park entrance.


Contact InfoTOP Trails Outdoor Park
550 Welch Ave
Talladega, AL 35160
(256) 649-0813


TOP Trails Photo

TOP Trails Outdoor Park

Photo Submitted 10/26/2014 (Thanks!)

TOP Trails Photo

TOP Trails Outdoor Park

Photo Submitted 12/30/2014 (Thanks!)

TOP Trails Photo

TOP Trails Outdoor Park

Photo Submitted 12/30/2014 (Thanks!)

TOP Trails Photo

TOP Trails Outdoor Park

Photo Submitted 10/26/2014 (Thanks!)

TOP Trails Photo

TOP Trails Outdoor Park

Photo Submitted 10/26/2014 (Thanks!)

TOP Trails Photo

TOP Trails Outdoor Park

Photo Submitted 12/30/2014 (Thanks!)

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